Arkana Studio PLEN

'Honey Hunters

Honey Hunters

Director - Krystian Matysek

Krystian Matysek

Director, screenwriter and DOP for a number of documentaries, including nature films awarded at festivals and bought by broadcasters around the world. DOP for fiction Films. Tutor at Dragon Forum and Academy of Documentary Arts.
In 2001 Krystian Matysek directed his famous film “With Beak and Claw”. The realization of this film took more than 3 years. The sequences about the life of birds were assembled in a manner of a feature film. "With Beak and Claw" has no verbal commentary." With Beak and Claw" was presented and awarded at many festivals around the world.

Filmography (selected):

“Sailing Over the Grass” - “Statkiem po trawie” - 50', 2013

“Secrets of Love” - “Sekrety miłości” - 90', 2012
7 stories of love from different cultures: from the Indonesian Papua, to the Himalayas, Russia , Poland to Paris – director, scriptwriter, DoP
Prod. ARTE, PISF, TVP2, METRO FILMS View trailer

“The Lord of the Carpathians” - “Niedźwiedź Władca Gór” - 52', 2012;
An epic monograph of the brown bear from the Carpathian Mountains (Central Europe) – director, scriptwriter, DoP
Premiere - TVP2, 7.10.2012 o 9.45 View trailer
Read article

“Apocalypse Unlimited” - “Apokalipsa bez granic” - 2005;
North Sumatra – a tsunami wave reveals a difficult process in which the Acehnese people fight for independence. A political and religious conflict with a cataclysm in the background – director, scriptwriter, DoP
Prod. TVP1, APF

“Olter”, 2004;
A documentary about the late Jack Olter, a famous jazz drummer - director, DoP - for TVP2. DVD edition with a music CD

“The Sand Is a Predator” - “Piasek jest drapieżnikiem” - 2004;
A nature documentary abort insects living in the sand dunes of the Baltic Sea. NFOŚiGW – director, scriptwriter, DoP
Broadcasted around the world. DVD edition Publisher in 2005.

“With Beak and Claw” - “Dziobem i pazurem” - 2002;
Nature documentary co-production of TVP 1, NFOŚiGW and APF, the winner of numerous awards – director, scriptwriter, DoP.
DVD edition in Poland, Germany, Scandinavia. Presented in cinemas in Denmark. Broadcasted around the world.
„Usłyszmy głos” /Let’s Hear the Voice/, 1996
Music film with premiere music video of Antonina Krzysztoń, commissioned by TVP 1 – director, scriptwriter, DoP
Music videos for: Blenders, De Press (for TVP1) , Apteka …- director, scriptwriter, DoP

Films directed by Krystian Matysek have been bought and broadcasted around the world by: ZDF, DISCOVERY EUROPE – Mid Est - Africa, DISCOVERY ASIA, ANIMAL PLANET, FRANCE 5, RAI 3, ABC Australia, PLANET, ATV Hong-Kong, TV KULTURA-Rosja, TVP 1,TVP2, POLONIA, TVP KULTURA. The films were broadcasted to more that 130 countries.
Selected awards
DZIOBEM I PAZUREM / With Beak and Claw (2002)
2003 – nominated by International film Festivals in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia for the ECOMOVE festivals’ award (Berlin)
2007 – awarded for the best photography at the International Ecology Film Festival EKOMIR 2007 in Minsk, Belarus
2007 – award for the best director at the 6th IFF Human and Nature, Russia - Irkuck
2007 – award of the jury at the 6th IFF Human and Nature, Russia - Irkuck
2009 – The Golden Swallowtail award for the best photography at the Moscow IFF.
OLTER (2004)
2006 – Letter from the Polish President, Lech Kaczyński, for film achievements
2006 - Houston (Worldfest Independent Film Festival) GOLD REMI award in the category: INDEPENDENT SHORT SUBJECT-FILMS & VIDEO: Screenplay/Script of entered short
2005 – The Silver Hobby Horse award at the Krakow Film Festival
2005 – Special mention in the Polish documentary films category at the Era New Horizons festival in Poland, Cieszyn.
PIASEK JEST DRAPIEŻNIKIEM / The sand is a predator (2005)
2007 – award of the jury at the 2nd IFF The World of Knowledge, Russia – Saint Petersburg
2006 – Houston (Worldfest Independent Film Festival) award in the category:: FILM & VIDEO PRODUCTION: Ecology / Environment / Conservation
2006 – Main prize at the International Ecology Film Festival, Novogrod
2007 – Grand Prix at the International Festival of Nature Films by the name of W. Puchalski in Lodz, Poland
NIEDŹWIEDŹ. WŁADCA GÓR / The Lord of the Carpathians (2012)
2013 - award for the best documentary at International Environmental Film Festival "EnviroFilm" - in Banska Bystrica, Slovenska Republika
2013 - 2nd prize founded by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski at Włodzimierz Puchalski International Nature Film Festival - Łódź, Poland
SEKRETY MIŁOŚCI / Secrets of love (2012)
2014 -  Silver Plaque at Chicago International Film Festival, TV Awards. Watch video report from CIFF gala
2014 - Bronze Medal at New York Festivals: World's Best TV & Films
2002 – The Cup of the Polish President, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, and the Grand Prix at the 7th Polish and 3rd International Ecology Film Festival by the name of M. Łukomski EKOFILM 2002
2003 – award “for artistic merits” of the film at the 8th International Festival GREEN VISION in Russia – Saint Petersburg
„Dzika Polska” / Wild Poland 2009
„Przyjechała nasza malarka...znaczy jest już lato” Came our painter... It means it is already summer 2009
„Cranes”, 2008
„Duśka”, 2007
„Lekcja nadziei” / The Lesson of Hope 2002
„Podróż nie całkiem sentymentalna” / The Not Quite Sentimental Journey 2002
„Chłopiec i anioł” / The Boy and the Angel 2001
„Od Sienkiewicza do Kawalerowicza” / From Sienkiewicz to Kawalerowicz 2001
„Inferno”, 2000
„Czarni baronowie” / Black Barons 1999
„Litwo! Ojczyzno moja” / Oh, Lithuania, my contry 1998
Short films (10 episodes), dedicated to nature and architecture of Bialystok 1997
„Puchalszczyzna”, 1997
„Ostatnia puszcza” /Last Wilderness 1997
„Ziemia królewskich puszcz” / The Land of the Royal Forests 1996
The series "Pulse of the primeval wilderness", 5 episodes
„Rock Raport” , „RIFF”, „Rock Front”, 1994-1997
„Kariera Joachima Halupczoka” / The Career of Joachim Halupczok 1994